Learn Investment, Business and Finance Management

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  • How to start your business?

  • Investment Feasibility and Investment Decisions.

  • How do you calculate return and what are the other factors depending upon Investment?

  • How to grow an Investment firm and how different access Strategies.

  • What is company finance and how does it affect your investment decisions?

  • What are operational and nonoperational costs in the company and what are the factors?

  • what are sales and different types of sales strategies?

  • What are the core metrics of the company's finances?

  • How to analyze competition and different valuation factors?

  • What are the different types of customer acquisition factors?

  • What are the different types of revenue and profit metrics?

  • What are the different types of promotions and sales marketing strategies?

  • Financial statement factors analysis.

  • Corporate social responsibility and sustainability.

  • Global economic trends and their impact on businesses.

  • Business strategy development and implementation

  • Leadership and management styles

  • Organizational Culture and Structure

  • Change management and innovation

  • Financial instruments and their uses

  • Portfolio management and diversification

  • Cost analysis and management

  • Capital budgeting and investment analysis

  • Ratio analysis and its significance in business decision-making.

  • Applying concepts learned in the course to a real-world business or finance problem

  • Developing a comprehensive financial strategy for a business.

  • Understanding exchange rates, currency risk, and their management

  • International trade finance.

Course Info

Created by Yasir Wahab
1 hour on-demand video
13 lectures
54+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on April 09, 2023
Subcategory: Finance


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