Android accounts for approximately 85% of all devices sold today (2017 Q1). It only makes sense for you to be developing applications for the Android platform.
I will take you through the basics of Android Application development, and introduce some more complex features as well. This includes the following:
An extensive look at the Java programming language
Introduction to Android, installing Android Studio.
Create your first Android Application, learn to debug the application and learn how to create a signed APK that you can submit to the play store.
Working with implicit and explicit intents
Detailed example of how to work with Fragments
Learn some customizations like a custom ListView, Toast, TextView and ActionBar
Learn how to save data to the phone in the form of SharedPreferences, Files and SQLite
Learn how to implement Android 6 Permissions
Read data from a RSS feed and sending SMSes programmatically
Learn how to save data online and do user management with Backendless (MBAAS)
By completing this course, you will have more than just basic knowledge of Android Application Development.
Join this course now!
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