Social Media Monitoring and Privacy Law

  • 4.5
  • (369+ reviews)


Just because you CAN monitor conversations on social media, doesn’t make it lawful.

If you monitor social media, this course could save you hundreds of thousands of dollars on attorney’s fee and damages.

Respect personal privacy rights when you monitor social media conversations and collect meta data.

Learn your right to monitor the use of any computers, smartphones and networks you own or sponsor, what the Electronic Communications Privacy Act requires, how the Fair Credit Reporting Act impacts job applicant screening and how to override social media password protection laws and gain access to personal social media and email accounts.

Course Info

Created by Eric Schwartzman
38 minutes on-demand video
13 lectures
9,895+ students enrolled
4.5 rating from 369+ reviews
English language
Created on January 04, 2015
Category: Business
Subcategory: Human Resources


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