Kingdom Wealth- How to prosper in the Desert & in the Palace

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The Kingdom Wealth course is a powerful resource for those seeking to take charge of their financial future in a way that aligns with their faith. Whether you are new to personal finance or seeking to optimize your existing wealth, this course offers a comprehensive curriculum that will equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to achieve financial freedom.

Are you struggling to make ends meet? Are you drowning in debt? Do you long for financial abundance but feel like it's out of reach? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the Kingdom Wealth course is perfect for you. This course tackles important financial questions that are often overlooked, such as how to give generously, tithe properly, and manage your money in a way that honors God.

Although many people avoid discussing money, the Bible actually addresses financial matters more than 800 times. Furthermore, Jesus spoke about money in 11 of his 39 parables, highlighting the importance of managing wealth with wisdom and integrity.

By enrolling in the Kingdom Wealth course, you will gain access to over 10 years of knowledge and insights that have been carefully curated to help you build wealth and achieve financial success. This course will teach you valuable lessons about budgeting, investing, and managing debt, while also providing guidance on how to give generously and honor God with your finances. Join us on this journey towards financial freedom and become a faithful steward of your God-given resources.

Course Info

Created by Charles Kariuki
1 hour on-demand video
33 lectures
304+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on March 30, 2023


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