This is NOT your ordinary meditation course
This course takes you further than usual meditation courses or self-hypnosis books because
you will get the first-hand experience of working with your subconscious.
DO NOT subscribe if you
- just want a few short techniques, but you don't want to change anything about yourself
- you feel you are too advanced for a beginner's course
- are not really interested
- are not open
- think "Let's get to the hypnosis part quick" without wanting to understand why and how you should use it for achieving a lasting change
- you have very narrow and strict expectations of how things should be and it makes you frustrated if things turn out to be different (the subconscious often goes against our expectations, so openness is an absolute prerequisite)
- want instant solutions without investing the time and effort
- are not committed to making a positive change in your thinking
- don't want to know what to use meditation techniques for
- don't want to get a broader view of the spiritual laws
- prefer to blame others instead of being ready for a change
- only want to scratch the surface
- don't want to learn or use gratefulness to propel your success in life
- are not ready for a NOT classic course
Super Important:
Don't come for a one-click / 1-minute solution. I'm serious.
I'm not here to participate in a "Let's collect the most subscribers" contest.
There are plenty of people who offer super fast and super easy solutions for your life; from how you can get rich in 14-days to how to become enlightened in 5 easy steps.
If you like to think that life is as simple as that, then this course won't help you.
This course is about changing ourselves and thus changing our lives, working on our limiting beliefs, setting smart goals, taking responsibility to get the control back from our negative subconscious programming.
It requires work.
It requires commitment.
It requires taking the responsibility.
It is not a lightning fast method, but a sure one to start living the life that you were born to live.
You get this for free, but it does not mean it is not very valuable information.
So only subscribe if you are ready to do meaningful work on yourself.
Included in the course are:
Guided meditations (mp3 and video about 30-40 minutes each):
1. Fork in the road - Visualizing your future alternatives
2. Finding your objective
3. Self-hypnosis for Deeper Trance
4. Meeting with Your Real-Self
+ 4 Bonus Success Training Guided meditations (about 15 minutes each):
1. Attract Success And Abundance Training*Part1* What do you want to feel?
2. Attract Success Prosperity & Abundance *PART 2* Powerful visualizations of Success for the Next 12 Months
3. Attract Success Prosperity & Abundance *PART 3* Attracting Abundance with the Magic of Gratitude
4. Attract Success Prosperity & Abundance *PART 4* Ideas of Abundance
So, what you get:
Simply hearing about these things is nothing but a pile of
information for you, but I want that my students to EXPERIENCE the
things they learn about. This is what turns information into KNOWLEDGE.
That’s why I’m including practical, self-hypnosis exercises in my
material. I think it is very important that you LIVE WHAT YOU LEARN, and
not just passively listen to it. This creates deeper understanding,
knowledge, and awareness. And that is already the first step towards
turning tedious everyday life into a miraculous creation.
I will guide you step-by-step through the phases of
This is a lot to do, but take the toddler-approach to learning:
just think of the enthusiasm and fun they have learning to walk, even
though at that phase it’s a HUGE accomplishment! And they do it
As a transforming hypnotist, I live what I teach.
Hypnosis has literally changed my life and me at my very core and if there was
something worth learning, then it was to understand my subconscious,
learn to communicate and cooperate with it. It was a wonderful gift!!!
And I want to share it with you!
What inspires me to do these courses is to help people, like you learn the skills, which enable them
to use their inner power, wisdom, and motivation.
I help them to connect with their inner self, to become spiritually independent so
that they no longer need gurus or constant assistance and guidance. All
they need is within themselves. All they need is to learn to access it.
What do you need?
What will you learn?
Is this course for you?
This course is for you if
So I encourage you to enroll and make this course, but I encourage you even more to start this journey!
I will be there to help and provide you support on your way and I hope that there comes the day when you will no longer need my help. Instead you will be help and inspiration to others!
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