Our life or job is full of Project type work. Compared with regular routine work, project is more complicated and more difficult to tackle. Project management is to help you handle these projects by systematic methods no matter in your life or job. Project management can be fun or nightmare depending on if you can grasp the key skills of project management and own the required personal characteristics to execute it in real job. In this course, I will reveal the key essential practical project management skills including the topics like:
Project and Product relationship
Project process
How to start and manage a new project
Project different aspects including scope, schedule, resource, cost, budget, risk and total management
What’s PMC? Project Management Console
What are the key characteristics and capabilities required for a project manager?
After taking this course, I believe you will learn these skills in shortest time and easiest way. You will be able to use these project management skills in your life and job to reach success more easily. This course is suitable for the new project manager, those who need project management skills in their work or interested in project management.
Enjoy the course and please do spend some time learning it well.
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