Just enough Ansible to be dangerous

  • 3.5
  • (146+ reviews)


Ansible is set to be the standard in the world of IT Infrastrcuture Management. It's a rare combination of simplicity meeting sophistication. Its core principle being simple is reflected in all its design choices such as agentless setup, small footprint, push model, YAML as a language to define infrastructure state etc. Its easy to setup, easy to write code with, easy to extend while writing custom modules. At the same time it offers everything a IT Systems, Networks or a Oprations/Devops person needs.

This course is been designed the get you started with Ansible quickly, and understand its key feature while learning by practice. By the end of this course you should be familiar with the ansible fundamentals and be comfortable at the least running ansible  playbooks with a little customisation.

Course Info

Created by Gourav Shah
56 minutes on-demand video
12 lectures
9,015+ students enrolled
3.5 rating from 146+ reviews
English language
Created on June 29, 2017
Category: It & Software


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