A Complete Introductory Tutorial on HTML5

  • 4.3
  • (979+ reviews)


Note: Background music for this course is generously provided by Exist Strategy. Visit their Bandcamp page to show your support. It's great background music for doing creative work.

Course Details

The most comprehensive introduction to HTML, starting with simple text formatting all the way to the new tags provided by HTML5. You will go from a pure beginner to having a strong foundation on HTML in just one weekend. If you already know HTML, this is a good way to review the new features that are included in HTML5. Completely free! Stay tuned for a Responsive Design course coming up that will take your existing HTML5 knowledge from this course and help you build responsive websites. 

Course Info

Created by Yatit Thakker
4 hours on-demand video
24 lectures
26,883+ students enrolled
4.3 rating from 979+ reviews
English language
Created on September 22, 2017
Category: Development
Subcategory: Web Development


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