Introduction to Research

  • 5.0
  • (7+ reviews)


Importance of Research is increasing day- by -day in every field. With this changing time large numbers of students are actively considering and taking up research and associated higher studies. This course aims to introduce students to the important aspects of research. The intent of the course is to make students aware of the details associated with  research and to help students overcome common misconceptions that may be present in their minds. This course is divided into 7 sections. The first section will deal with what is research, the meaning of research and the importance of research. The next section of the course will be about the various steps in the formulation of a research problem and literature survey and its importance. Next we will discuss on how to frame the research questions, hypothesis and objectives in a Research. We will also be discussing on tools and techniques in research ,sampling, types of sampling, data collection and Processing and Analysis of Data. By going through this course, students are likely to be able to take up research activities in a more systematic manner right from the beginning. The success of any research depend on  how systematically and scientifically  the various stages of research and the research activities are carried out by the researcher.

Course Info

Created by Dr Sheeba Valsson
1 hour on-demand video
7 lectures
544+ students enrolled
5.0 rating from 7+ reviews
English language
Created on January 30, 2023


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