Please note: This course does NOT cover the latest version of Laravel (5.2 at this time) but as many reviewers suggested..this is a great introduction to the main concepts of Laravel framework (being version 4 or 5).
Start developing Web Applications by using the fastest growing PHP Framewok, Laravel.
Ever wanted to create flexible Web Applications fast and easy? It's time to meet Laravel 4.
In this course I am going to take you from zero to hero and introduce you to Laravel 4 while creating a Web App and explaining how the framework works.
We will discuss about Models, View, Controllers and other Laravel specific components while developing a Laravel App from start to finish.
- Start learning Laravel 4 today to increase you web development skills and be able to earn more for the work that you perform.
- Discover why Laravel is considered to be the fastest growing PHP Framework of 2014 and what are its main advantages.
- Take your PHP knowledge one step further by learning how to develope Web Applications using Laravel 4.
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