Introduction to Data and Text Mining using DSTK 3

  • 3.7
  • (73+ reviews)


DSTK - DataScience ToolKit 3 is a set of data and text mining softwares developed closely with the CRISP DM Model. DSTK 3 offers data visualization, statistical analysis, text analysis for Data Understanding stage, Normalization, and Text Preprocessing for Data Preparation Stage, Modeling, Evaluation, and Deployment with machine learning and statistical learning algorithms.  

This introduction course will instill you with data and text mining fundamentals using DSTK 3 software. 

This course is based on my ebooks at SVBook.

Course Info

Created by Goh Ming Hui
2 hours on-demand video
8 lectures
7,146+ students enrolled
3.7 rating from 73+ reviews
English language
Created on May 12, 2018
Category: Development
Subcategory: Data Science


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