HTML5 & CSS3 Complete Course: Build Websites like a Pro

  • 4.3
  • (1,269+ reviews)


All new web developers must learn the basics of HTML and CSS, as they’re the basic languages required to build and style a website. While there are many ways to learn these languages, the best way is to learn from an experienced instructor with profound knowledge and experience coding in these languages.

This course will show you how to code in HTML and CSS from the ground up, starting from the absolute fundamentals to the advanced topics. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner trying to learn from scratch or an experienced coder looking to brush up your knowledge, you’ll always find something useful in this course.

You’ll begin by learning the components of HTML, including its lists, tables, URLs, hyperlinks, and many other important aspects of the language. Also, you’ll learn how to put all of them together to create a structure for your website to style with CSS.

Then, you’ll learn the fundamentals of CSS like selectors, dimensions, box models, lists, texts, fonts, tables, and other essentials. With basic knowledge of both languages, you can confidently style the HTML structures you created earlier to make fully-fledged websites.

With web developers making up to $140,000 annually, a course in HTML and CSS might be the most rewarding thing you'll do this year. After the course, you'll get ideas of what languages to learn in addition to your current knowledge to get enough skills to be employable.


Course Info

Created by Meta Brains
4 hours on-demand video
66 lectures
87,058+ students enrolled
4.3 rating from 1,269+ reviews
English language
Created on March 05, 2022
Category: Development
Subcategory: Web Development


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