HTML 5 Complete Course For Absolute Beginners

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Do you wanna learn HTML? or Do you wanna become a Web Developer? Congratulations, you're at the right place. With this complete series of HTML 5 for absolute beginners you can learn HTML and begin the path for becoming a Web Developer.

In this course all the topics related to HTML and HTML 5 are covered. You will completely learn about everything available for you in HTML. You will have all the knowledge related to HTML so to move on to the next level which is learning CSS without hesitation or doubt.

You will also learn some basics of CSS and JavaScript through out the examples given in this course to get familiar with these technologies while mastering HTML.

At the end of this course you can confidently move on to the next level of web development which is learning CSS without any hesitation or doubt because you will have the required knowledge of HTML.

Now in this course you will only learn HTML with how to add CSS or JavaScript to your HTML documents. I will not go deep into CSS or JavaScript, so you will only learn about HTML topics in here.

This course does not include building real world project but it only covers all the topics related to HTML 5 and all the elements available for you with their use case.


Course Info

Created by Hafizullah Masoudi
1 hour on-demand video
8 lectures
687+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on October 15, 2022
Category: Development
Subcategory: Web Development


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