How To Buy And Choose A Franchise: Step-By-Step

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How To Buy And Choose A Franchise: Step-By-Step: Pros and Cons Of Buying A Franchise, How to Choose a Franchise, Researching Companies, The Subway Example And More.

Welcome to my newest course on franchising! In this course, you will learn about important things to consider before starting a franchise business, including the pros and cons of buying a franchise, how to choose the right franchise for your profile and how to identify whether the business is promising or not.

I will use the example of the Subway franchise bringing real numbers and data to help you make the right decision if it is worth entering the franchise world for you or not. In addition, you will have a series of classes dedicated to learning techniques, methods, tools and business and marketing terms. Fundamental themes for anyone who wants to undertake or set up their own business.

You will find lessons about:

  • The Pros Of Buying A Franchise.

  • The Cons Of Buying A Franchise.

  • The Cost of Buying a Subway Franchise.

  • The Procedure for Franchising a Subway Restaurant.

  • How to Choose a Franchise Business.

  • Researching Potential Companies.

  • Financial Disclosure Document.

  • Business For Beginner.

I hope this course will provide you with valuable insight into the world of franchising and help you make informed decisions about your future business ventures. See you in the first class. Bye bye

Course Info

Created by Melina Silva S.
1 hour on-demand video
14 lectures
195+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on May 22, 2023
Category: Business
Subcategory: Entrepreneurship


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