How To Breakdance - From Beginner To Pro In Just 7 Days

  • 4.5
  • (322+ reviews)


The Fast & Fun Way To Learn How to Breakdance
  • Learn The Secret Formula For Quickly Picking Up New Moves
  • Guaranteed to Make You Incredibly Fit & Feel More Confident
  • Amaze Your Friends & Family
  • Become The Life Of Every Party
Learn New Moves In Record Time! B-boy Harribos proven system for learning how to Breakdance is a fun, fast and easy process which takes complete beginners and transforms them into becoming jaw droppingly talented "breakers" in record times. Our unique way of breaking down the breakdance movement is the reason why so many of our students progress so quickly and feel more confident. Amaze Your Friends At The Next Party

There is no better feeling than being at a party, the music's going, everyone's dressed up in their freshest clothes & dancing, then a circle opens up. A few people go in and try to win the crowd, then you decide to go in....

The Crowd Goes Crazy!!!

They start cheering you on as you wow the whole room with your new moves.

After your performance everyone wants to know your name and how they can learn what you just did. It will feel as if you became an overnight celebrity with the amount of attention you'll receive.

You can't put a price on that feeling, trust me.

Course Info

Created by Bboy Harribo
1 hour on-demand video
22 lectures
18,562+ students enrolled
4.5 rating from 322+ reviews
English language
Created on September 26, 2016
Subcategory: Dance


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