Guitar Lessons - String Bending And Vibrato Essentials

  • 4.8
  • (80+ reviews)


Learn to play with "feel" by taking our comprehensive study of the techniques of string bending and vibrato.

This stand-alone course serves as either a from-scratch, definitive tutorial or a valuable refresher of these two essential techniques. Top UK session guitarist, Bobby Harrison demonstrates different types of finger vibrato, as well as showing you how to achieve sweet, singing vibrato, using the whammy bar.

String bending is also covered in great depth, as Bobby provides you with all the essential tools to be able to pull off this technique with the minimum of effort. You’ll learn some cool bluesy-rock licks too!

A must for anybody new to the techniques of string bending and vibrato, as well as the player looking to refine his or her technique.

Course Info

Created by FretHub Guitar Lessons
1 hour on-demand video
5 lectures
9,696+ students enrolled
4.8 rating from 80+ reviews
English language
Created on February 14, 2016
Category: Music
Subcategory: Instruments


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