The Kama weapon syllabus we have created is white-black level. This will give you a firm understanding of the weapon and how to handle it. Most schools teach the basic and stop there and only seem to have this for black belt level students as in my many chats with school owners, it seems a lot of weapons training has been lost over the decades and most now focus on the sport side of training.
This is an ever-evolving course, as you progress from chevron to chevron and eventually earn your black belt you will see how tradition and sport come together. So, keep training and you will be able to handle the weapon easily.
From Punches, slashes, spins and throws you will be competition ready. You will eventually learn how to link moves and add in other arts with kicks and jumps.
Each chevron level has a main focus from just handling to learning how to perform a set move. You will learn to link your hands with the Kama as all weapons have to be handled enough to become an extension of your arm.
Hours Required - 15Hours is needed before a grading can take place.
This Course Level - White Chevron
Next Course Level - Yellow Chevron (if you choose to continue training)
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