Germany 1919-1947

  • 4.1
  • (202+ reviews)



Section 1: Have you ever wondered how Adolf Hitler became leader of Germany, then you are about to find out. How did a man who was such a "down and out" in the 1920's become the "Fuhrer" of the German Nation and its people?

Section 2: Hitler and the Nazi's made huge changes to German life. In this unit, you will explore how Hitler effected the life of women, the young, Christians and the Jews.

Section 3: The war started well for Germany but by 1943, the tide had turned. In this unit, you will discover how Hitler lost the war from a position of seeming victory. Furthermore, you will develop an understanding of how life on the homefront in Germany seemed to go from bad to worse for many of its citizens.

Course Info

Created by Thomas Rogers
2 hours on-demand video
18 lectures
6,625+ students enrolled
4.1 rating from 202+ reviews
English language
Created on August 15, 2015
Subcategory: Humanities


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