Generate Seller Leads and Get Listings using Direct Mail

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FREE mini-training course that includes 19 Prospecting letters you need to get started right away and a video lesson teaching you how to maximize your prospecting efforts through direct mail to receive a minimum of 20-50 genuine seller leads every 30 Days with this proven prospecting activity

Writing a real estate prospecting letter is always challenging because you must show professionalism while asking for the business.

One of the worst mistakes rooky real estate agents make is wasting time and effort writing new prospecting letters whenever they want to contact prospective clients. Creating a stock of tried and tested real estate prospecting letters can help you to save time and effort, and get results, not only quicker, but also consistently.

Writing an excellent persuasive letter to strangers is always tricky. It requires a particular skill set, blending an understanding of human psychology with writing skills to select the right tone and word for the situation. While you will have a good idea of what people think, as this makes you an excellent salesperson of property, you may need help with writing the words.

Besides, you are not selling a house when you are writing a prospecting letter for new clients to list their property with you. You are selling your skills, experience, and services to sell a house. You are marketing yourself as the premier real estate in the local area and the best person to list a property to sell it. It is always harder to market and ‘sell’ yourself than it is to market and sell an inanimate object like a house. Even the most confident real estate agents can baulk at the necessary marketing of themselves.

You can, of course, spend many evenings working on your stock of prospecting letters, trying to come up with the right persuasive words without sounding like you are just blowing your own trumpet.

Your focus should be on selling properties successfully, not writing letters. But the truth is that your real estate business will fail without new clients continually listing their properties.

So, you need to get new clients, and one of the most successful ways to get new clients is to write excellent prospecting letters.

It would help if you also had a variety of letters for different purposes and reasons.

A person who owns luxury property wants a different style letter to the person selling a property for financial hardship reasons or to the person who is selling due to a divorce or death in the family. An expired listing letter will be different to an FSBO letter or a letter to a home seller. You will want generic letters you can print on flyers and send to everyone in a suburb and specific notes when you have had some connection with the prospective client in the past. You may even want a letter to connect with other business owners in your area, such as a florist who could supply flowers for your open houses, making the home more attractive.

As you can see from the small list above, you will need to create many different letters during your career as a real estate agent. You’ll probably need a stock of at least 15 or more letter templates.

What if you could start with the templates of excellent real estate prospecting letter samples that real estate agents have already tried and tested? That would certainly make your life easier, wouldn’t it?

Well, I have done all the hard work for you. I have compiled a FREE MINI training course that includes 19 Prospecting letters you need to get started right away and a video lesson teaching you how to maximize your prospecting efforts through direct mail to receive a minimum of 20-50 genuine seller leads every 30 Days with this proven prospecting activity

Course Info

Created by Gayle Fitzmaurice
1 hour on-demand video
5 lectures
311+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on November 03, 2022
Category: Business
Subcategory: Real Estate


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