Introductory Aromatherapy Course For Natural Living

  • 4.6
  • (4,348+ reviews)


"I have taken a few random aromatherapy courses since becoming fascinated with how effective essential oils are compared to modern medicine. "5 STARS

Wouldn't you just love to know how to do aromatherapy and use essential oils?

Well you can from best-selling instructor, Mark Perren-Jones in this introductory aromatherapy essential oil introductory course.

Mark is a Fully Certified Aromatherapist in Aromatherapy and an essential oil specialist, approved by The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA), and the Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA) – both leading governing bodies for educational standards for Aromatherapists.

Imagine being able to use aromatherapy and essential oils to make your own all natural chemical free products

In this introductory Aromatherapy course Mark teaches you how you can apply aromatherapy and essential oils to all aspects of your life for your health, your home and your happiness.

In this introductory aromatherapy course you will learn about what to look for when buying essential oils, how to store your essential oils and also what are the best essential oils to buy on a budget that have the best 'bang for your buck'

You will learn which are the best carrier oils and also what are the best diffusers to buy for your home or office.

You will have a thorough understanding of aromatherapy and essential oils to make wonderful essential oil blends using the notes.

You will know what dilution rates will need to be applied for each situation.

Finally, you will understand just how incredible aromatherapy and essential oils are and how powerful they are when used properly.

Make no doubt about it, there is a reason that essential oils have been used for thousands of years-they are very powerful therapeutic tools and once you begin using them you will wonder why you haven't been using them all of your life!

Course Info

Created by Mark Perren-Jones
1 hour on-demand video
27 lectures
63,955+ students enrolled
4.6 rating from 4,348+ reviews
English language
Created on June 22, 2017
Subcategory: Other Health & Fitness


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