Learn Comic Book Color Flatting! (Coloring Assistant role)

  • 4.8
  • (748+ reviews)


Flatters are the unsung heroes of comic book coloring! 

Flatting is the first step when coloring as a comic book colorist. Most professional colorists hire someone called a flatter to separate the elements on the pages into colors. The colorist can then select those colors with the Magic Wand Tool in Photoshop to quickly change and edit those colors! 

Flatting is more of technical process than a creative one. The colors a flatter chooses aren't really important, but the work requires attention to detail in order to be successful. Good, reliable, and flat flatters are always in demand!

In this course, you'll learn how to use the Lasso Tool, Bucket Tool, and Magic Wand to properly flat comic book pages!

Check out this free course to learn about it!

Course Info

Created by Kurt Michael Russell
38 minutes on-demand video
6 lectures
16,808+ students enrolled
4.8 rating from 748+ reviews
English language
Created on June 20, 2017
Category: Design


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