Fiverr Gig Ranking (SEO & Marketing) • Earn More Now!

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Are you looking to earn money online?

Fiverr is one of the top platforms for freelancers all over the world to find online work - with over 3,4 million active buyers, it is the platform of choice to sell one's services no matter the domain.

However, creating a good gig can be quite difficult - especially when there are thousands of other freelancers already selling their services!

So how can you improve your gig clicks on the search results page?

How can you convince people that you are the best choice for what they're looking for?

In this course, you will learn it all!

After taking this course, you will be able to:

- RESEARCH ANY NICHE ON FIVERR - Learn keyword research and niche building to discover the most demanded services
- DISCOVER THE BEST OPPORTUNITIES - Learn to merge your skills and advantages with niche opportunities to craft the perfect web design gig

- DESIGN AN EYE-CATCHING MAIN IMAGE - Did you know that an average buyer takes 0,65 seconds per gig to judge if they are worthy of their investigation? Learn how to make yours pass the test!

- CREATE AN ATTENTION-GRABBING COPY - Learn the simple method that top marketers, videographers and copywriters use to make their sales page convert easily!

And more!

Course Info

Created by Martyn Needham MBA • E-Commerce Manager •
1 hour on-demand video
22 lectures
610+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on April 16, 2023
Category: Marketing
Subcategory: Digital Marketing


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  • How long is a coupon valid?

    Coupons are issued by instructors to promote their courses, gain traction and reach momentum. The instructor can choose to emit discounted (ex: $11.99 coupon) or 100% off coupon (you pay nothing). Each coupon becomes expired when emitted quota is over (1000 enrollments) OR expiration date has been reach (5 days).

  • What is this "1000 enrollments" from Udemy?
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