The program is detailed to include IFRS 9: Financial Instruments in detail for people who are interested in having a detailed understanding of Financial Instruments.
The program covers all aspects including measurement principles, key definitions, derecognition, derivatives, hedge accounting, impairment of financial assets and other areas. There are multiple case studies and scenarios covering detailed insight of various aspects of Financial Instruments covered in a simplified manner.
The lectures are designed in a way to provide a complete insight of Financial Instruments for all levels: whether a participant has an understanding of the topic already or not. The explanation by the trainer is expected to help the participants know the details of the complex areas in a simple way - thus creating the interest and knowledge level for the users.
The program is useful for professional accountants or those studying accounting qualifications including ACCA or CIMA. The program works well for non-accountants as well working on complex derivatives, hedge accounting and impairment of financial assets. The program addresses the need to understand the basics of financial instruments including meaning of financial assets and financial liabilities with examples and classification and complex accounting areas including impairment stages, cash flows hedge, hedge discontinuation, fair value hedge and derecognition principles.
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