Finally Lose Weight without A Gym Membership

  • 4.2
  • (36+ reviews)


From the premier private personal trainer I would like to ask you a question for starters? Have you been looking for the answer to weight loss? Freedom Portis, Certified Personal Trainer for over 13 Years will give you the final answer. (We suggest you take this course with your workout clothing on... You Will Be Motivated! 

You have came to the right place! We will help you lose weight, build confidence and build the muscle that will burn the body fat at rest. 

All you will need is a jump rope and a small space to make a few moves. You don't need a gym membership however if you obtain one you will have more tools to complete your goal.

This course will take a few hours... however if you really really.... really want it you will take notes so you can get through this course quickly and get started on your new workout program!

This course will is set up to help you understand fitness as you have never seen it before. The course will cover

  • The Fitness Assessment 
  • The Three Key To Proper Fitness Training 
  • How to Read Your Heart Rate
  • What Not To Do In The Gym
  • How To Stay Consistent
  • And... Continued Training Programs (Weekly) 
We are excited to have you join a program that truly works. I know all the other programs promised big results and more then likely thats what they did was made you bigger. This program is guarantee to deliver real results without all the fluff. Once you reach a few of your goals we encourage you to reward yourself with small perks to keep you motivated such as tighter workout clothing that provides confidence and makes you feel sexy while you burn off the body fat. When you reach one of your major milestones we encourage you to invest in some really cool, loud gym shoes that make a statement when you workout. 

We will cover the following free additional tools that will help you stay motivated all year long. 

  • Nike+
  • Nike Training App 
  • DailyBurn App
We will also cover the best free resources around. The more you Eat, Sleep and Breath Fitness the more chances you have to completing your goal. Just to name a few... 

  • Free Fitness Classes 
  • Fitness Music That Interacts With You
  • The Best Fitness Podcast 
  • The Do's and Don'ts to Fitness Reading

Course Info

Created by Freedom Portis
3 hours on-demand video
33 lectures
4,761+ students enrolled
4.2 rating from 36+ reviews
English language
Created on December 28, 2012
Subcategory: Fitness


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