Exploring The Chakras

  • 4.4
  • (318+ reviews)


A series of eight movement meditations based on the Kundalini Yoga teachings of Yogi Bhajan.

Each chakra balancing exercise (which is also a meditation) lasts around 5 - 8 minutes, and guides you through the ancient system of the energy centres: their location, qualities and symbolism and describes how their vitality impacts modern life on every level.

 Once you have taken the course you can choose to take any part separately or follow the whole adventure from roots to crown and beyond.

You can take this series anywhere - on or off the mat as you enjoy the movements and creative visualisations

Course Info

Created by Kate McKenzie
50 minutes on-demand video
8 lectures
13,267+ students enrolled
4.4 rating from 318+ reviews
English language
Created on September 13, 2018
Subcategory: Yoga


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