Ethically Hack the Planet Part 4

  • 4.0
  • (85+ reviews)


Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey through the realm of ethical hacking and cybersecurity, all while exploring the dynamic landscape of cloud computing and beyond? Welcome to "Ethically Hack the Planet Part 4, where we delve deep into the latest techniques, tools, and practices that will empower you to secure digital landscapes and protect sensitive data.

Course Overview:

This comprehensive course is designed to equip you with advanced knowledge and practical skills in cloud computing, containerization, penetration testing, and more. Each topic covered in this course is carefully selected to provide you with a holistic understanding of the modern cybersecurity challenges and ethical hacking solutions.

Course Highlights:

1. Cloud Computing: You will explore the intricacies of cloud computing, the backbone of modern IT infrastructure, and understand how to secure cloud environments effectively.

2. Cloud Service Models: Delve into the various cloud service models, such as IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, and learn how to make informed decisions based on your organization's needs.

3. Containers Basics: Discover the world of containerization and its applications, including Docker and Kubernetes.

4. S3 Bucket Enumeration: Master the art of discovering and securing exposed Amazon S3 buckets using tools like S3Scanner.

5. Ghost Tool: Uncover the secrets of Ghost Tool, a powerful ally in your ethical hacking toolkit.

6. Pentesting: Develop the skills to conduct penetration tests and vulnerability assessments to identify and mitigate potential threats.

7. OpenVPN: Learn how to set up secure virtual private networks for safe and encrypted communication.

8. TryHackme Part 1 and 2: Immerse yourself in the TryHackMe platform, an immersive environment to practice your hacking skills.

9. HOMOGRAPH Attacks: Explore the intriguing world of homograph attacks and learn how to protect against them.

10. Ransomware Defense: Gain insights into the insidious world of ransomware and discover strategies to defend against it.

11. Secure Yourself: Throughout the course, you will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to secure your own digital life.

Join us for "Ethically Hack the Planet Part 4" and become a formidable cybersecurity professional, ready to take on the challenges of the digital world while adhering to the highest ethical standards. Your journey to becoming a cyber guardian starts here!


Course Info

Created by Twinkle Sharma
50 minutes on-demand video
22 lectures
25,666+ students enrolled
4.0 rating from 85+ reviews
English language
Created on October 23, 2023
Category: It & Software
Subcategory: Network & Security


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