Master ENGLISH FLUENCY with Music

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Master ENGLISH FLUENCY with Music by Rhythm of fluency is a spoken language training programme with music at the core of its ideology, helping beginner, intermediate and advanced students to master english fluency and fluidity through rhythm and rhyme. Have fun.

Learn English with music is a series of 13 classes available  on the Udemy platform in video format. Lyrics can also be downloaded in PDF from the resources tab.

Classes are complete, with reading comprehension, structuring of English (with linguistic and cultural aspects) and pronunciation.

You will be learning integrated:

- Grammar

- Vocabulary

- Connected Speech

- Contractions

- Pronunciation

- and a lot more....

The training program will help you improve your listening skills with the flows, which will ultimately improve your speaking ability in english language. Lexical learning is an old way of learning sentences in english, we learn language in what we call "chunks of language" as humans we tend to focus better and memorize groups of words rather than loose vocabulary. This is a very powerful method which has been developed to enhance your mental experience in language learning. It will give you an insight into language as well as trigger your interest and fun side of life.

Everything you need to do is start repeating this quality content from authentic material - one of the best sources for language learning.

Course Info

Created by Thiago Carneiro
1 hour on-demand video
16 lectures
327+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on December 26, 2022
Subcategory: Language Learning


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