Natural English Conversations

  • 4.5
  • (2,757+ reviews)


Are you afraid to have English conversations because you're worried about looking stupid?

Don't worry. I'm here to help!

In this course, I'll guide you through the most important things you need to know if you want to have great English conversations. Of course, this includes many native English words and phrases, but we'll focus mostly on real-life examples. Each lesson includes dialogues between me and other characters

'Why are dialogues so important?'

Because, if you don't learn things in real conversations, you aren't really learning!

As you go through the course, you can take screenshots of the things you're learning, which can help you when you're reviewing later. Also, if you make your own dialogues to practice, I'd love to see them. Are you ready to take your English conversation skills to the next level?

Let's begin!

Course Info

Created by Luke Priddy
58 minutes on-demand video
10 lectures
48,372+ students enrolled
4.5 rating from 2,757+ reviews
English language
Created on July 04, 2019
Subcategory: Language Learning


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