Employee Onboarding in India - For Beginners

  • 5.0
  • (1+ reviews)


Employee onboarding in India typically involves a structured process that begins with the new hire's acceptance of the job offer and continues through their first few weeks on the job. The process can vary depending on the organization and industry, but there are some common practices that most companies follow.

  1. Pre-joining formalities: Once the candidate accepts the job offer, the HR department typically sends them a welcome email that outlines the pre-joining formalities. This may include submitting relevant documents, completing paperwork, and providing other information.

  2. Orientation: On the first day of joining, the new employee is typically given an orientation that includes a tour of the office, an introduction to their team and colleagues, and an overview of the company's policies and procedures.

  3. Training: Depending on the role and industry, the new employee may receive training on the company's products, services, and processes. This could be in the form of classroom sessions, e-learning modules, or on-the-job training.

  4. Buddy system: Some companies may assign a senior employee as a buddy or mentor to help the new hire acclimate to the work environment and culture.

  5. Performance expectations: The new employee should be given clear expectations for their role, including job responsibilities, performance goals, and key performance indicators (KPIs).

  6. Feedback and communication: Regular feedback and communication are crucial for new employees to understand how they are performing and how they can improve. Managers should schedule regular check-ins with new hires to provide feedback and answer any questions they may have.

  7. Follow-up: After the first few weeks, HR or the new employee's manager should follow up to ensure that the onboarding process was successful and that the new hire is settling into their role.

Overall, a well-planned and executed onboarding process can help new employees feel welcome, engaged, and motivated to contribute to the organization's success.

In this course, the learners would get to know more about each of the stages of onboarding, mentioned above, and the role, that HR must perform in them. Along with this, the learners would also know more about the virtual onboarding that has become more prevalent after the Covid19 pandemic. The learners would also get to know the best practices that can be used to make employee onboarding a more fulfilling experience for the employees and a more rewarding function for the employers.

Course Info

Created by greytHR Academy
56 minutes on-demand video
18 lectures
36+ students enrolled
5.0 rating from 1+ reviews
English language
Created on March 29, 2023
Category: Business
Subcategory: Human Resources


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