Emergency Management - Natural Disasters

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A disaster can strike a family with little or no notice. It can cause people to evacuate a home immediately, or it may confine people to their homes. Basic services—such as electricity, gas, water, and telephone services—may be cut off for extended periods of time. A family disaster plan helps families prepare for these types of adverse situations and mitigate the devastating effects of a disaster.

The course is based on the Four Phases of Emergency Management:

Mitigation - efforts to reduce hazards or their impacts

Preparedness - efforts to prepare for a likely hazard

Response - actions taken to respond to an emergency or disaster

Recovery - actions taken to restore the community to pre-disaster condition

That’s why I developed this course to guide and prepare you and your family to survive disaster situations.

I will talk about:

Emergency Management;





Nuclear plant disaster;


And tips about several topics to help you in daily situations, such as:

How To Call For Help In A Public Area?

If You Think You're Being Followed

How To Save Yourself And Others From Drowning

What To Do If You Get Caught In A Rip Current

How To Remove A Sharp Object From A Deep Wound

What To Do If You See A Bear

A Way To Identify If Someone Is Having A Stroke

If You Need Any Help Abroad

Besides, you have a special chat to send me your questions and doubts.

So do not hesitate - gain gold skills to survive during disaster situations.

Course Info

Created by Melina Silva S.
1 hour on-demand video
9 lectures
407+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on December 12, 2022
Subcategory: Social Science


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