Learn to Make Bath and Body Products

  • 4.2
  • (1,000+ reviews)


Many people want better control of what goes on and into their bodies. Vegans have a tougher task of finding suitable products because many commercial ones are tested on animals. This course empowers you to make some simple cosmetics using ingredients that are readily available in grocery stores or drug stores. We have videos and a lot of supplemental materials that I hope you peruse. The course should not take very long to complete as it's meant to build beginner confidence before the next series of videos comes out.

Course Info

Created by Sima Chowdhury
55 minutes on-demand video
11 lectures
27,396+ students enrolled
4.2 rating from 1,000+ reviews
English language
Created on November 01, 2013
Category: Lifestyle
Subcategory: Arts & Crafts


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