Discovery Bible Study: Simple & Reproducible Bible Study

  • 5.0
  • (1+ reviews)


Discovery Bible Study has been used around the world for decades in Christian disciple making movements. It is one of the most simple and effective ways of studying the Bible to make and mature disciples who make and mature more disciples. DBS is a simple method for helping people get into the Bible, read it, understand it, live it and share it with others.

DBS is a method that can be used for yourself, your family, Bible class, discipleship group, church plant, or even for a sermon. It takes little preparation so it is useful in small groups where the leaders don't have a lot of time for lesson prep. It values facilitating over teaching.

This method of Bible study involves a simple list of questions that you (or your group) goes through once a week. All you need to do is supply a passage of scripture to look at. It invites people to hear what God has said, try to understand the passage, make a commitment to live the teaching, and find someone to share it with during the week. It teaches people to follow Jesus from day 1 rather than after they come to faith. Each week you check back in on the previous week to see how things went, study together, and encourage each other.

This course will teach you the basics of DBS with tips on the questions and how to use DBS in a variety of applications (personal, discipleship group, preaching/teaching, etc).

Course Info

Created by Matthew Dabbs M.Div.
45 minutes on-demand video
23 lectures
89+ students enrolled
5.0 rating from 1+ reviews
English language
Created on March 24, 2023


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