The dfree® Academy: 12 Steps to Financial Freedom

  • 4.4
  • (260+ reviews)


Dear dfree® Academy Partner,

Welcome to the dfree® Online Academy! I am excited that you have decided to achieve your financial freedom.

Before you get started here, I invite you to visit our website to learn more about our new and improved Online Academy and the dynamic course content we offer.  Everything is free!

The dfree® Academy was created to offer you a convenient way to take dfree® courses, in an effort to equip you with practical approaches and values-based principles that will shift you toward financial freedom. This course is offered entirely online, which means that you simply need access to a computer, tablet or smartphone and internet access to complete any portion of it. You also need a copy of the dfree® books: Say Yes to No Debt: 12 Steps to Financial Freedom and dfree® Lifestyle: 12 Steps to Financial Freedom Workbook to follow along with the lessons that coincide with each video. After purchasing the books, available via the dfree® website, there are no charges. The course is FREE!   

My goal is to help you experience a dramatic transformation in your lifestyle so that you will be better able to use your money to reach your life’s goals, including giving back to others.

I'm glad you've decided to take an important step in your dfree® journey. Now let's begin.


DeForest B. Soaries, Jr.  

Course Info

Created by DeForest B. Soaries
25 minutes on-demand video
39 lectures
9,185+ students enrolled
4.4 rating from 260+ reviews
English language
Created on December 29, 2015
Subcategory: Finance


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long is a coupon valid?

    Coupons are issued by instructors to promote their courses, gain traction and reach momentum. The instructor can choose to emit discounted (ex: $11.99 coupon) or 100% off coupon (you pay nothing). Each coupon becomes expired when emitted quota is over (1000 enrollments) OR expiration date has been reach (5 days).

  • What is this "1000 enrollments" from Udemy?
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