Deploying Android Apps to Different App Stores - Correctly!

  • 3.9
  • (417+ reviews)


[Let's put your apps ("eggs") into different mobile app stores ("baskets")]

Learning long hours is not always the right approach when you want to apply your knowledge in your life. This is why this course is produced short enough (about 30 minutes in the time of writing) for everyone. No one like to take their valuable time sitting in front of the screen.

This is a step-by-step course about how to upload your binary file to available mobile app stores out there.

These steps are considered the very last steps of Android development. Hence, it is better to do it RIGHT on your last steps.

[Note: You have to MODIFY your apk file when you plan to upload your app to Samsung GALAXY Apps Store]

What does it mean? The apk uploaded to Google Play Store CANNOT be uploaded to Samsung GALAXY Apps Store. You need to make some modifications on your apk file. You can sign up to our course to know about it. We will tell you where to put this code inside Eclipse (i.e., an Android Integrated Development Environment). Whether it is Android KitKat or Lollipop, it is just a single line of code, tough.

Our videos are in HD mode. Just make sure you press the HD button when playing the video.

This course is designed to help you get the skills you need so you will have more exposure on different mobile app stores.

There are properties that you may be uncertain - whether to uncheck or check the box. No worry, we provided you a solution!

[What the course focusing on?]

There are bunch of Android App Stores out there, but we focus on a few, notably:

  1. Google Play Store
  2. Amazon App Store
  3. Opera Mobile Store
  4. Samsung GALAXY Apps Store

You’ll come away with a solid knowledge of how to upload and make some modifications on your binary file so that your Android apps can be successfully uploaded to the stores.

No headache anymore. The contents will added from time to time if we discover something new. So, stay tune!

Course Info

Created by Jason Low
35 minutes on-demand video
9 lectures
23,474+ students enrolled
3.9 rating from 417+ reviews
English language
Created on January 12, 2015
Category: Development
Subcategory: Mobile Development


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