Innovative Thinking Principles: Inquiry-Based Approach

  • 4.5
  • (71+ reviews)


Curiosity and an inquiry-based approach is the gateway to creativity, innovation, and lifelong learning. Research shows curious people have more novel ideas, make deeper connections, and stay motivated to keep learning new skills. This course will briefly equip you to cultivate powerful curiosity habits that drive growth.

By taking this course, you will understand the neuroscience of how curiosity rewards the brain and learn techniques to overcome roadblocks like fear of failure that limit curiosity. You will develop motivation driven by passion, not external rewards and apply curiosity to enhance empathy, relationships, and emotional intelligence.

This course will teach you inquiry-based learning methods to explore topics that fascinate you and how to ask thought-provoking, open-ended questions to unlock creative solutions. You will develop persistence by staying curiously engaged with challenges and gain insights from psychology and neuroscience research on curiosity.

Through inspiring examples and practical exercises, you will discover how to harness the power of curiosity for professional and personal development. Avoid stagnation and discover the joy of lifelong learning. Become more creative, motivated, resilient, and intellectually humble. The skills you gain in this actionable course will enable you to advance in your career, deepen relationships, and live a more engaged, fulfilling life.

Course Info

Created by Apexity by Apex Hatchers
2 hours on-demand video
56 lectures
9,970+ students enrolled
4.5 rating from 71+ reviews
English language
Created on June 26, 2023
Subcategory: Creativity


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