CCAT Practice Assessments- The Mastery Guide - 2024

  • 3.3
  • (15+ reviews)


Course Title: CCAT Practice Assessments - The Mastery Guide [2024]

Course Objectives: The CCAT (Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test) is a widely used aptitude test that measures problem-solving, critical thinking, and the ability to learn new information. This CCAT Guide is designed to assist participants in developing the skills and speed required to successfully complete the CCAT and excel in assessments.

With over 3000 learners enrolled, this Mastery Guide comprises 6 Assessment Practice packages meticulously crafted to provide intensive preparation for the Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT). If you aspire to work with prestigious organizations like CROSSOVER, this Mastery guide is tailored for you.

Our Mastery Guide covers the following topics:

  • Arithmetic (17 assessment questions)

  • Verbal Reasoning (16 assessment questions)

  • Spatial Reasoning (13 assessment questions)

  • Logical Reasoning (14 assessment questions)

Prerequisites: This course is tailored for individuals preparing to take the CCAT as part of a job application process. Participants must possess strong problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, along with the ability to focus and perform well under pressure.

Assessment: Participants will undergo assessment through 6 practice packages of 60 questions each. Successful completion of this Mastery Guide will equip participants to approach any CCAT with confidence and excel in their assessments. To pass, participants must achieve a minimum score of 70%. However, continuous practice is encouraged to maximize performance.

Duration: This Guide comprises 60 questions timed for 20 minutes, simulating a standard CCAT assessment. Completion of this assessment guide typically takes 2-3 weeks, contingent upon individual commitment and dedication to mastering the assessments. The guide includes 6 sets of assessments, along with answers and explanations.

Embark on your journey to CCAT mastery with our  CCAT Practice Assessments - The Mastery Guide (2024) . With over 3000 learners already enrolled, join a community dedicated to honing cognitive abilities and unlocking potential. Whether you're aiming for career advancement or academic excellence, our meticulously curated practice packages offer the preparation needed to conquer the CCAT with confidence. Take the first step towards success today and elevate your cognitive prowess to new heights. The path to excellence awaits – are you ready to seize it?

Course Info

Created by Ejiro Igho
6 practice tests
0 lectures
3,880+ students enrolled
3.3 rating from 15+ reviews
English language
Created on December 26, 2022
Subcategory: Career Development


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