Cost Behavior and Cost Volume Profit (CVP) Analysis

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Developed over 15 years by a Professor and Master Tutor Team.  View and use Excel to on the Path to a Deep Understanding of CVP relationships.  Do it All with One Method, One Formula and One Interactive Graph.   Eliminate the Need to Memorize Formulas. 

Lesson 1:  Introducing the Bridge: One formula that you already know applied to the course and a straightforward explanation using the One Method to explain the difference between Absorption and Variable Costing.

Lesson 2:  Learn the how to classify Costs using a Pizza Shop example with Graphics.

Lesson 3:  The Bridge Problem Solving Method is applied to a Self Checking Puzzle format to Separate Mixed Costs. Additional Practice Problems and Solutions are in the Workbook.

Lesson 4:  Integrate the Bridge Method of Computation with the Graphical Chart to develop the foundation of Breakeven Point Analysis.

Lesson 5:  Apply the Bridge Method to calculate Breakeven Point without using the Formulas and apply your knowledge with Practice Puzzles and solutions.

Lesson 6: Module Highlight: Change Price/Unit, Variable Cost/Unit, Total Fixed Cost and Units. Make the Graphs Dance then Apply your Knowledge with Practice.

Lesson 7: Learn Operating Leverage and Margin of Safety using the Bridge Method for straightforward computation and application.

Includes Excel Workbook with Dancing Graphs and Practice Sheets

Course Info

Created by Dr. Jeff Hillard
1 hour on-demand video
7 lectures
503+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on October 04, 2022


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