Conquering the Fear of Public Speaking

  • 4.0
  • (3,021+ reviews)


Fellow Speaker,

This course is meant to teach one thing - and one thing alone. How to get over the fear of speaking in public! How to handle the anxiety that comes over when you approach the stage or stand in front of an audience. That's it.

This is a focused exposition on the various techniques one can adopt to deal with stage fear effectively. This course will not deal with, cover or elaborate on any other technique or aspect of public speaking.

The Fear of Public Speaking is real. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced speaker. Whether you have done it once or a hundred times. While the fear and anxiety never goes away, it is possible to manage the fear and reduce how long it impacts your speech.

The fear can manifest itself before getting onstage, while on stage and even during the speech. So what you need is a variety of different techniques to handle the fear at different points in the speaking experience. Techniques that will come in handy at the right times. Techniques that are simple and practical.

With conscious and constant practice, it is possible to overcome the fear of public speaking. It is possible to go from a mediocre speaker to an awesome speaker in a short amount of time. Like anything else, focused practice is at the heart of success.

I wish you good luck in your journey to become a great speaker!!!

All the very best!!!


Course Info

Created by Joseph Prabhakar
38 minutes on-demand video
8 lectures
39,899+ students enrolled
4.0 rating from 3,021+ reviews
English language
Created on February 24, 2016
Subcategory: Motivation


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