Computer Stylist Macromedia Freehand mx

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Hello friends welcome to the macromedia freehand mx training I have prepared a tutorial for designers who will make textile drawings, I have prepared a training that will explain the use of freehand mx to draw clothes, use of cloth, play with springs for dressing clothes, sewing operations, coloring the inner and outer filling color of the garment, blouse, dress trousers drawings, making cut copy paste undo redo repeat commands will save silhouette open save in appropriate format for photoshop group lock and unlock you will learn shortcuts

About Macromedia freehand mx Computer stylist course

Macromedia freehand mx Tools panel

Macromedia freehand mx File menu and usage

Macromedia freehand mx Silhouette summoning

Opening a document with Macromedia freehand mx Open

Macromedia freehand mx Opening a new page

Macromedia freehand mx Save or save as

Macromedia freehand mx Export save in tif format

Macromedia freehand mx get Symmetry

Macromedia freehand mx Clothes drawings to add collet cup

Macromedia freehand mx keyboard shortcuts

Applying Macromedia freehand mx Cut copy paste

Macromedia freehand mx Undo redo

Macromedia freehand mx Page rulers

Macromedia freehand mx Modify Group Ungroup

Macromedia freehand mx Lock Unlock

Macromedia freehand mx How to Bezigon tool

Macromedia freehand mx How to Subselect tool

Macromedia freehand mx How to line tool

Macromedia freehand mx How to customize

Macromedia freehand mx How to button and square

Macromedia freehand mx How to Text tool

Macromedia freehand mx How to hand tool

Macromedia freehand mx How to ctrl d

Macromedia freehand mx How to zoom in zoom out

Macromedia freehand mx How to Bleaching garment

Macromedia freehand mx How to print

Macromedia freehand mx How to Eraser tool

Macromedia freehand mx How to Mixer and tints

Macromedia freehand mx How to No dash

Macromedia freehand mx How to object add effect

Macromedia freehand mx How to Eyedropper tool

Macromedia freehand mx How to Lasso tool

Macromedia freehand mx How to rotate

Macromedia freehand mx How to Extrude

Course Info

Created by Fashion Designer Studio
47 minutes on-demand video
19 lectures
50+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on March 14, 2023
Category: Design
Subcategory: Fashion Design


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