ChatGPT Spring Boot Microservice

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Always wanted to add ChatGPT to your system?

Learn how with this free course.

Learn to create a fully functioning Java Spring Boot Microservice from start to finish with code included.

You will also see how services connect in a Microservice solutions and learn many gotchas to watch for.

Java 8 programming language

Spring Boot 2.7

IntelliJ Ultimate

Maven 3

Mac OSX 11.7

ChatGPT API - Open AI

Professional skills and experience from a Java Architect with over 20 years experience from startups to fortune 100 companies.

Learn the fundamentals but also tips and tricks of the experts. Learn about the different type of API end points and how to create a full end to end solution.

We will walk thru the project setup and all required elements to create a full end to end API server.

Content and Overview

This course explains key technology concepts of API's with REST and JSON technology in a Java system. We show development from start to finish to include deployment on a live production server not just a test machine.

What am I going to get from this course?

Detailed knowledge of how to create Java based REST/JSON API's

Learn how to setup a Maven project in Eclipse

Learn how to integrate into the ChatGPT Open AI API.

Teaching by example, several hands on examples showing every detail to the  smallest degree from starting a new application to deploying it in production.

Access to Instructors GitHub account with many extras and examples.

If you don't have a production server device don't worry, we show you how to test everything on your local computer.

Note: Development is all described on a Mac OSX notebook, Windows is not address. Java is a portable language and all the tools described in this class are available on Java as well but no intention is made to describe how to setup them up of use the Windows versions.

Course Info

Created by Tom Jay
35 minutes on-demand video
6 lectures
163+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on April 14, 2023
Category: Development
Subcategory: Web Development


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