Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional CSWP Sample Exam Solution

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Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional CSWP Sample Exam Solution

This FREE COURSE was created to provide you an overview of the CSWP exam. You will learn how to get ready for the actual exam. I will go over every test-related aspect with you before tackling the official sample exam question that corresponds to segment 1 of the actual exam.

The content:

1- What is CSWP exam and why to take it.

2- A quick review on SOLIDWORKS certification program.

3- Prerequisites to take CSWP exam.

4- Exam tester and how to download it.

5- Solve all the sample exam questions.

6- Guide you to learn all the requires skills to get ready with confidence.

7- Recommend study sources for you.

Why to take this course?


2- Lifetime access.

3- This course will be improved regularly.

4- Join a SOLIDWORKS community where you can ask about anything is SOLIDWORKS.

Prerequisites for this course:

1- SOLIDWORKS 2015 or later is required to take the exam.

2- You should have basic knowledge of SOLIDWORKS.

3- You should have passed CSWA exam.

Who is this course for?

1- CSWA holders who want to have an idea about CSWP exam.

2- People who have already prepared themselves for CSWP and need assist in solving the sample exam question.

3- Anyone who wants to practice SOLIDWORKS.

Course Info

Created by Moumen Jazayerli
33 minutes on-demand video
14 lectures
219+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on November 11, 2022
Category: Design
Subcategory: Design Tools


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