情緒與情緒調節 (Emotion and Emotion Regulation-GP_pt1)

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1. 情緒調節、性格與當時的心理問題及社會影響和社會研究等的基本情況,以基礎心理過程在發生情況與社會發生的相關關係,以及所涉及的重要角色。




(1)認知評估的主題與向度(Dimensions and Themes in Cognitive Appraisal) (影片10:53處)


(2) 情緒和思想處:行動之(Emotion and Thought: Tendency of Action)(影片4:55)


General Psychology discusses the essence and process of interpersonal relationships and social interaction through three important aspects–Emotion, Social Influence & Social Cognition, and Personality & Mental Disorders. We hope students can grasp a basic understanding of social interaction after taking the course.

General Psychology consists of 3 main aspects, in a total of 6 units (below, this course is part1). Each unit is made up of numerous sub-units which offer 5-15 minutes of course videos. There are Quizzes to reflect on how much you've learned.

part1: Emotion and Emotion Regulation

part2: Social Influence and Social Cognition

part3: Personality and Mental Disorders

As you complete the course please think about the following questions:

Please reflect on your experience. (1) Misattribution of arousal: in your daily life whether there are some factors or reasons that perhaps are not clear to you but did bring some physical arousal to you and what are those events? (2) In your daily life, when you experience positive or negative emotions, would you also behave in the Thought-action tendency way?

Course Info

Created by Gary C.-W. Shyi
1 hour on-demand video
10 lectures
74+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
Traditional Chinese language
Created on October 15, 2022
Subcategory: Humanities


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