Soft Skills are important tools to reach success and happiness. By developing the right Soft Skills you can reach your true potential, career development, and business advancement.
You will learn how to:
Define what success means to you;
Eliminate limiting believes, procrastination;
Overcome resistance to change by focusing on your end goal;
Obliterate self-doubt by looking into your past success and find reasons to believe in your capacity to succeed again;
Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses so you can identify what skills you need to train;
Use tools and processes to build a Soft Skills Training Plan;
Build a strong motivation, find a big enough reason to help you put your plan in action;
Start believing in your dream of success and happiness.
This course has 3 parts:
The 1st part is about Self-management, preparing your mindset for change: raise your self-awareness, eliminate self-doubt, build your self-confidence, define your motivational reasons, discover Kaizen principles and rewire your thinking;
The 2nd part is about Self-assessment: identify your past pattern for success, acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses, envision your future;
The 3rd part is the Step-by-Step Process to set and implement your Soft Skills Training Plan;
This course is for if:
you are looking for a way to develop your skills so you can advance in your career, change your career or build a successful business;
you are a student looking for a program to help you develop the right set of soft skills that you will need to land your dream job.
This course is not for you if:
you are not looking for a change and you are not willing to take action towards that change;
you are looking for a magic pill to change the world around you while you stay still.
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