C# Mastering Course For Professionals

  • 4.0
  • (8+ reviews)


This advanced C# programming course is designed for developers who have a solid understanding of the basics and are looking to deepen their knowledge and skills. The course covers a range of advanced topics that are essential for building robust, efficient, and scalable applications.

Course Topics:

1. Delegates:

  • Understanding delegates and their use cases

  • Creating and using delegates

  • Multicast delegates

2. Anonymous Methods:

  • Introduction to anonymous methods

  • Using anonymous methods with delegates

  • Benefits and limitations of anonymous methods

3. Dynamic Type:

  • Overview of the dynamic type in C#

  • Working with dynamic objects

  • And more...

Course Objectives:

  • By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Utilize advanced C# features to write efficient and maintainable code

  • Implement asynchronous and synchronous methods effectively

  • Work with various data structures such as stacks, queues, and dictionaries

  • Perform file and directory operations with ease

  • Handle dates and times in C# applications

This course is ideal for developers who have a basic understanding of C# and want to advance their skills to the next level. Whether you’re working on desktop applications, web development, or any other C# projects, this course will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed.

So if you want to learn about the advanced topics in C# programming language and use them in your programs and applications, don't hesitate and join the course.

Course Info

Created by Kioomars Jonood
2 hours on-demand video
11 lectures
5,186+ students enrolled
4.0 rating from 8+ reviews
English language
Created on September 25, 2024
Category: Development
Subcategory: Programming Languages


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