I was once told that "Plan beats no plan."
When it comes to financial planning, that couldn't be more true.
78% of Americans have less than $50,000 set aside for retirement. Only 14% of Americans have $100,000 set aside for retirement. (Yahoo)
My mission - help 100 people create their financial plan in 2023. By 2025 my goal is to have helped 10,000 people.
The problem - most people don't have access to financial planning products.
So, I built this resource for you.
It's intentionally built to be low-tech to be accessible to anyone.
Included in this FREE class is:
A spreadsheet designed to help you figure out:
a monthly budgeting tool
a budget forecasting tool that allows you to test various scenarios, such as new jobs or buying a more expensive house
a Personal Financial Statement that will help you understand and monitor your net worth
the exact amount of emergency fund that you should have and where you stand compared to that number
the exact amount of life insurance you should have; based on an industry-standard
how much money you have that could be invested today
finally, help you calculate how much money you will need in retirement
Anyway, I really hope you will enjoy this course.
The peace of mind that comes from taking control of your finances is life-changing. I think you will agree.
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