Beginner's Guide to Android App Development

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In this course you would be learning Android App Development using the most popular IDE called Android Studio. You will also learn programming languages like Java and XML. We will starting by learning how to install and configure Android Studio for Android App Development. We will then configure the IDE theme and after that we set up a virtual device for testing. We also configure a real android device to testing.

Then, we get to know an overview of the IDE. After that we would be building small test apps for learning purposes. In the process we will learn about TextViews, Buttons, EditText, Displaying Messages and ImageView. At the end we will be building a Currency Converter App using all the knowledge that we have learned so far.

After completing this course you would have a strong foundation in Android App Development. Don't feel shy to rewatch any lecture. As a beginner it is very common to rewatch the videos. In many lectures there are challenges. Make sure you at least attempt them.

This course is very beginner friendly and is made in such a way that anyone can get started with Android Development. Believe me it would be an exciting learning process. I am exited to see you in the course.

Thank You!

Course Info

Created by Parth Prajapati
2 hours on-demand video
14 lectures
480+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on October 24, 2021
Category: Development
Subcategory: Mobile Development


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