Basics of Brush Pen Calligraphy

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Want to get started on learning brush pen calligraphy?

Perhaps you have been copying calligraphy styles you see on social media but they somehow don't look "right"? It could just be that you are still carrying one key misconception that needs to be debunked right now. That alone has prevented you from progressing, no matter how much you practice and re-watch clips on calligraphy. This course will begin with that to start you off on the right foot!

The course will also put you on a firm foundation for starting your calligraphy journey by emphasizing the basic strokes, then building up on that to form letters. Instead of learning letters in sequence, this course will also cover a much more effective way to letter the 26 alphabets.

Then, infuse your own style by finding ways to link letters together (this course covers FOUR ways). We wrap up the course by applying all the newly acquired skills through a DIY project.

This is THE course to start with, and you will be well on your way to create those beautiful calligraphy you see in journals, letters, cards and so on.

In this course, we'll

  • Bust one misconception that hamper those starting on their brush pen calligraphy journey

  • Learn basics strokes to put you on a solid foundation

  • Practice forming letters in groups (not in sequence!) so that you keep practicing the common strokes and can only get better

  • Cover 4 ways to link letters together

  • Create a project that combines all the skills learnt in this course

You'll also get a 27-page downloadable playbook on the '4 Steps to Brush Pen Calligraphy" that contains practice samples to accompany the course.

This class is for someone absolutely new to calligraphy. Just a heart and patience for practice will bring you a long way!

So let's get your started on your brush pen calligraphy journey today!

Course Info

Created by Joy Tay
37 minutes on-demand video
7 lectures
699+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on November 09, 2022
Category: Lifestyle
Subcategory: Arts & Crafts


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