Learn to read the Noble Quran at a Basic level

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Learn to read the Noble Quran at a Basic level with Simple Tajweed using the Qaida Nuraniyah Book

Learn to read the Noble Quran with this step by step book. I tried my best to make these lessons as straight forward and fast as possible, I only cover basic grammar and punctuation (Tajweed), I am unable to teach a higher level of Tajweed. Please forgive me for any mistakes I most likely made. I just wanted to provide this for my brothers and sisters to reach a basic level of reading the Quran. Once you complete these lessons by the will of Allah you should be more confident in reading and be able to take further classes from a different teacher to cover more Tajweed rules, pronunciation and memorization. In Sha Allah this is of benefit and May Allah grant us His Love and guide us to the right path.

What will students learn in your course?

  • Learn the arabic alphabet

  • Learn how to join arabic words in the quran

  • Learn how to read a sentence in the quran

  • Become able to read the Noble Quran at a basic level

  • Learn simple Tajweed (quranic punctuation)

  • Be able to directly read the arabic without needing the transliteration

  • After completing this course, you should feel confident to increase your knowledge base through further training

What are the requirements or prerequisites for taking your course?

  • A notebook and a pen

  • A solid understanding of English

This course is for:

  • Beginner level quran students

  • Muslims curious on learning a basic level of Quranic Arabic

  • Those who don't know how to read or write Arabic

Course Info

Created by Soul Light Media
1 hour on-demand video
19 lectures
408+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on October 31, 2022


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