AWS EC2 Fast and Simple

  • 4.3
  • (226+ reviews)


I've been told that Amazon AWS is very difficult and that it takes a huge learning curve just to spin up a server.

I've been working with AWS EC2 and S3 since the start, yes things change, yes fairly often but once you understand the basics is simple.

This course will go over how to select an Amazon Instance for Linux, create the instance running and show how to SSH into the machine. You will learn how to setup NGINX, Oracle Java 8, Tomcat8, Node.js and MongoDB.

In less tehn 30 minutes you will have a server up and running and log into the instance. 

Course Info

Created by Tom Jay
1 hour on-demand video
7 lectures
14,662+ students enrolled
4.3 rating from 226+ reviews
English language
Created on March 31, 2019
Category: It & Software


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