Assessment of the Foot & Ankle Complex (Intermediate)

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I remember being a Junior Physiotherapist on my first Musculoskeletal outpatients rotation.   MSK was definitely my area of interest coming out of University, and I couldn't wait to get going and show off my skills.   Then my first client came in.  They were experiencing on-going lateral ankle pain.   In the absence of any trauma, I (quite rightly) assumed a sprain was unlikely.  I then palpated around the joints and the various bony landmarks - no bony tenderness - good, a fracture was unlikely.   Then I froze.   I had no idea what to do next.   No idea where to go.  No idea how to complete the assessment and confidently diagnose the issue.   

This course is designed for junior me - and I'm sure there are many more junior me's out there. 

Since that day, I have gone on to specialise in all things lower limb.   My background in professional football, as well as privately supporting a number of high performance athletes from various sporting disciplines (Ironman, Ultramarathons, Sprinters), has allowed me to become comfortable assessing the foot and ankle in the context of elite sport and the demands that come with that (often in front of thousands of people with only a minute to do so!).

During this course you will learn how to confidently assess the foot & ankle complex so that you can deal with ANY non-traumatic conditions that come through your door.   Not only that, I will walk you through my step-by-step lower limb assessment protocol (that I perform with ALL clients presenting with lower limb complaints).

Course Info

Created by Richard Baron
1 hour on-demand video
17 lectures
299+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on September 30, 2022
Subcategory: General Health


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